Nextcloud Subscriptions

Nextcloud Enterprise Subscriptions
from your Nextcloud Gold Partner

Nextcloud Subscriptions

Need a Nextcloud Enterprise Subscription? As a Nextcloud Gold Partner we can help you.

A Nextcloud Enterprise Subscription can consist of several parts, but at least the Nextcloud Files Subscription. With Nextcloud Files you can easily access, share and edit files, photos and documents with other users from anywhere.

Additional components can be added as needed:

  • Nextcloud Groupware Subscription
    Nextcloud Groupware integrates calendar, contacts, email and other productivity features.
  • Nextcloud Talk Subscription
    Nextcloud Talk provides screen sharing, online meetings & video conferencing.
  • Nextcloud Office based on Collabora
    Nextcloud Office is an online office suite with collaborative editing. It supports all major file formats for documents, spreadsheets and presentations and works in all modern browsers. Nextcloud Office has been developed together with Collabora Productivity.
  • Nextcloud Files Branding Subscription
    Nextcloud Talk Branding Subscription
    Nextcloud offers theming and branding capabilities for servers and clients, such as custom logos and preconfigured URLs in Nextcloud applications. Outlook Add-in Subscription

The Service Level Agreement (SLA) for your Enterprise subscription is divided into Basic, Standard, Premium and Ultimate. Details and differences can be found here.


Pricing Example

The price of a Nextcloud Enterprise subscription is multiplied by the number of global users that your Nextcloud server will serve. In order to provide you with a quote, we need to know the number of planned users, the desired SLA and the desired components.

Example for 100 users, SLA "Standard":

  • 1x user: 67.89 EUR/year
  • Nextcloud Files
  • No additional subscriptions required

TOTAL: 100 x 67.89 EUR/year = 6'789.00 EUR/year

We can offer discounts for public authorities, governmental institutions, schools and universities.

Questions? We are happy to answer them.

F: How long does the Subscription last?

A: Subscriptions have a minimum duration of 12 months and are renewed for another year unless terminated with sixty (60) days written notice prior to the expiration of the initial term.

Q: What makes you different from Nextcloud GmbH?

A: We can offer the appropriate hosting in a dedicated, virtual data center. Or set it up on-prem at your premises. Plus Service & Support – from Switzerland, everything from a single source.