Unser Blog

Neues aus der Linuxfabrik

Graylog 6.0 is available. Under the hood, the new version requires the following software components:

  • OpenSearch 1.1.x to 2.13.x (alternatively and unchanged: Elasticsearch 7.10.2)
  • MongoDB 5.0.7 to 7.x

The characters \ / : ? * " < > | as well as leading and trailing spaces in file and directory names are generally problematic and cannot be used at all on some systems, e.g. the question mark on Windows.

Let's Encrypt issues RSA certificates through two CA chains: the ISRG Root X1 chain and the ISRG Root X1 chain cross-signed by IdenTrust's vDST Root CA X3. The cross-signed chain ensures a high level of trust in Let's Encrypt certificates from the start.

It was time again for a new website with a fundamental change in technology: Instead of WordPress, we now use Grav to bring content (maintained in the editor via Markdown) online with a CI/CD pipeline. Finally. 😉

In addition to day-to-day business, 2023 was marked by increased participation in events, new partnerships and strong developments in the area of Monitoring Plugins and LFOps.

Our Open Source Quartet is back, now for 2024 – with new cards.

In a small but nice setting our "Linuxfabrik Partner Event 2023" ended on 05.09.2023. Our customers and partners were invited.

This year we have been elected Contribution Tinkerer by the Icinga community with our Linuxfabrik monitoring plugins. You can find the details here. Thank you! 🙂

The Linuxfabrik has entered into a new business partnership with Graylog GmbH. Graylog Enterprise is the industry standard for IT Logging & Security and as a Graylog partner we offer all subscriptions that fit your environment.

For customers using Icinga for infrastructure monitoring: Icinga GmbH changed its business model a few weeks ago and put rpm packages for RHEL 8+, Amazon Linux and Suse Linux based operating systems behind a paywall. Access to the update repositories is now only available with an Icinga Repository Subscription. A paid Icinga Repository Subscription is required for 20 VMs or more, until then a free Developer Subscription is sufficient.

You can get them here.

GNU/Linux.ch is a team of volunteer writers and podcasters who write and talk about GNU/Linux and everything related to it.

The year 2022 has kept us busy. Many "internal" projects have kept us busy this year:

This time we came up with a little surprise for the end of the year: The Open Source Quartet – if it were advertised, it would surely be a great quartet game with wonderful logos for absolute open source fans.

We hinted at it earlier this year, but now it is official: we are moving our hosting infrastructure, and with it our customers' virtual datacenters, to the cloud. How did this come about? What exactly does it mean?

Anyone who has an account on GitHub can now support us there via the GitHub Sponsors program with one-time or monthly payment amounts. GitHub Sponsors is currently still in beta and does not charge any fees – after that, 90% of the amount still reaches us.

As you know, our software developments are all open source (FOSS) and released under the Unlicense, but were previously hosted on our self-hosted GitLab server. While the idea of running our own GitLab server was initially appealing, it also has serious drawbacks in terms of FOSS.

The default Keycloak distribution is now based on Quarkus, which brings a number of breaking changes configuring Keycloak and deploying custom providers. The new distribution tends to be faster, leaner, and easier to configure.

Now our blog is also WordPress-based: For almost 18 months we maintained our blog via RST, and finally https://blog.linuxfabrik.ch has moved to https://www.linuxfabrik.ch/blog.

Rocket.Chat 4.0 wird am 27. September 2021 erscheinen und dann strikt in eine Community- und eine Enterprise-Edition getrennt. In der Community-Edition werden seit langem bestehende Funktionen wegfallen, die dann nur noch in der Enterprise-Edition zu haben sind.

CentOS entwickelt sich von einer verbraucherorientierten Distribution (Downstream von RHEL) zu einer Contributor-orientierten Distribution (Upstream von RHEL).

Unser LFS-Artikel ist übersetzt und das Titelthema des amerikanischen Linux-Magazins Nummer 251: Cover Theme – Linux From Scratch.

Vier Wochen nach Erscheinen von Rocky Linux 8.4 "Green Obsidian" (21. Juni 2021) können wir als Early Supporter ein positives Fazit ziehen: Rocky Linux bewährt sich erwartungsgemäss im praktischen Einsatz.

Wir sind im Linux-Magazin 08/2021 ab Seite 70 mit dem Artikel Endmontage – Eine eigene Linux-Distribution zusammenbauen (Teil 2) vertreten. In der zweiten Folge geht es darum, wie man in der Praxis ein Linux from Scratch praktisch auf Basis einer CentOS 8 Minimal VM aufsetzt.

Wir sind im Linux-Magazin 07/2021 ab Seite 90 mit dem Artikel Wunscheinrichtung – Grundlagen und Konzepte von LFS (Teil 1) vertreten. Dort beschreiben wir die Grundlagen, um sich Mithilfe von "Linux from Scratch" ein für eigene Zwecke massgeschneidertes Linux zu erstellen.

Der K-Tipp hat zehn Internetspeicher unter die Lupe genommen, und dieses mal wurden wir unerwartet selbst getestet. Das Ergebnis: Nur zwei von zehn Clouds sind vertrauenswürdig und schneiden beim Datenschutz gut ab. So auch unser Angebot Nextcloud für Einzelnutzer sowie das der Kollegen von mailbox.org aus Deutschland. 🙂