The Linuxfabrik Open Source Quartets 2023


This time we came up with a little surprise for the end of the year: The Open Source Quartet – if it were advertised, it would surely be a great quartet game with wonderful logos for absolute open source fans.

Which application probably has the most commits? Which has been on the market the longest, and which is the most popular? Linuxers and those who want to become one will learn fascinating facts from the amazing world of open source software. πŸ˜‰

We have squeezed 32 popular open source applications from our portfolio into categories such as Application Server or Security and provided them with data from the first commit to the number of forks. So you can play with Ansible and Apache Webserver up to SQLite and WildFly in the truest sense of the word. πŸ™‚ And for those who want to know how we determined the data:

  • First Commit:

    git log --format="format:%ci" --reverse | head -1

  • Contributors:

    git log --format='%an' | sort -u | wc -l

  • Commits:

    git rev-list --all --count

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