Icinga can now be ordered with just a few clicks from our partner Exoscale on their Marketplace. The cloud images we provide deliver a fully functional Icinga2 instance.
Release "2024060401" plus "2024052901" – What's new?
Graylog 6.0 is available. Under the hood, the new version requires the following software components:
Due to the liblzma events since 29.03.2024, we were asked in a GitHub issue which versions of the liblzma library are used in our packages as well as the zip and tarballs.
Like last year we will be present at the (new) Icinga Summit in Berlin: On the second day we offer the workshop Write your own monitoring plugin in Python using the Linuxfabrik Libraries.
Let's Encrypt issues RSA certificates through two CA chains: the ISRG Root X1 chain and the ISRG Root X1 chain cross-signed by IdenTrust's vDST Root CA X3. The cross-signed chain ensures a high level of trust in Let's Encrypt certificates from the start.
Release "2023112901" now contains over 200 monitoring plugins. What's new?
This primarily bugfixing release offers more than 130 plugins, 100 of which can be executed as EXE files under Windows.
On June 30, 2024, CentOS Linux 7® will reach End of Life (EOL). We know what that means for your existing systems.
Markus Frei presents the Linuxfabrik Monitoring Plugins at the Icinga Camp in Berlin 2023.
This release currently includes nearly 200 monitoring plugins.
This year we have been elected Contribution Tinkerer by the Icinga community with our Linuxfabrik monitoring plugins. You can find the details here. Thank you! 🙂
LFOps – our Ansible collection of roles, playbooks and plugins for managing Linux-based cloud infrastructures – has been released in version 2.0. What has changed since version 1.1?
Linuxfabrik presents LFOps Version 2.0.
Nice Icinga blog post about our Icinga Setup at SwissTPH company (where our Linuxfabrik Monitoring-Plugins are also used).
Linuxfabrik presents LFOps in a presentation called "Managing RHEL-based datacenter influenced by DebOps" vor.
We couldn't attend in person due to time constraints, but we were mentioned with our monitoring plugins. Thanks, Bernd! 🙂
Markus Frei presents the Linuxfabrik Monitoring Plugins at the Icinga Camp in Berlin 2022.
More than 160 check plugins in total. 25 new checks for MySQL/MariaDB, all based on MySQLTuner. 7 new checks for NodeBB. New checks for strongSwan IPsec Connections, diacos, xml/wsdl and Infomaniak Swiss Backup. And as always: bugfixes and enhancements.
We hinted at it earlier this year, but now it is official: we are moving our hosting infrastructure, and with it our customers' virtual datacenters, to the cloud. How did this come about? What exactly does it mean?
LFOps is now also available on GitHub: LFOps is a collection of roles, playbooks, modules, and plugins for Ansible that we use to maintain cloud infrastructures in an automated way. The Ansible Collection can be installed as such and is also available on Ansible Galaxy.
As announced, we will stop further development of the Python 2-based monitoring plugins on 01/01/2022 and will focus only on their Python 3 variants from now on.
Happy New Year 🙂
Dieses Release bietet mehr als 120 Plugins, von denen über 80 als EXE-Datei unter Windows ausgeführt werden können. Alle Plugins liegen ab sofort in einer Python 2- und Python 3-Version vor. Wie immer gibt es auch neue Checks, unter anderem für Jitsi, NodeBB, Redis und Veeam.
CentOS entwickelt sich von einer verbraucherorientierten Distribution (Downstream von RHEL) zu einer Contributor-orientierten Distribution (Upstream von RHEL).